How can I get critical updates about Freefly products?
Occasionally, Freefly needs to notify operators about important, often safety-related information regarding Freefly equipment. In addition to posting these notices on our support website (under the applicable product area), we’ll also email people directly if we have contact information on file.
What type of notifications am I going to receive?
- Service Bulletins
- These notices are critical updates related to safe operation of the affected equipment. They will include background information about the issue, span of affected products, mitigation steps and general guidance.
Do I need to sign up to receive the bulletins?
- Yes, please sign up if:
- You have equipment purchased from one of our dealers or through any other means.
- You work with our products and want updates about them that may affect you.
- You don’t own our equipment, but are interested in what kind of notices we send out.
- The email used during purchase is not the technical contact for the equipment (a purchasing agent, etc), and you would like to add another person to our notification list. There is no limit to the number of people that can sign up for notifications from your team.
- No, you do not need to sign up if:
- Your Freefly equipment was purchased from our online store under your email address. You are already on our contact list for important notifications.
Information collected in this form is solely for the purpose of Service Bulletin notification and is not used for sales or marketing communications.
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