SB15 Alta Flight  Control Firmware Default Settings Bug (2016-8-31)

This Service Bulletin (SB) is being issued to advise all Alta owners of a safety-related firmware error that can occur after loading the preset default configuration in the Alta app.

This SB is being issued to all Alta owners and applies to all Flight Controller Firmware versions 3.8.2 and prior.

When using the Alta App to load the Default Configuration flight settings, several parameters in the flight control algorithm will not be initialized properly unless additional action is taken, If the Alta is flown immediately after loading the Default Configuration through the App (prior to rebooting), an unsafe condition may occur where the pilot is unable to maintain control in Position Mode. This could also affect yaw control in Manual Mode.

This bug can only occur when loading the Default Configuration and is resolved by rebooting the Alta after loading the Default Configuration prior to your next flight.

This bug does not occur when using the App to load custom configurations or perform normal tuning of individual flight parameters.

If settings are to be reset to the Default Configuration, reboot the Alta after applying the default config as follows to ensure all parameters are saved and initialized properly:

  1. Connect to the Alta using the App
  2. Navigate the Alta App to Monitor ­> Open Terminal ­> Default Config
  3. Apply the Default Configuration
  4. While in the Terminal, select Reboot Controller
  5. Allow the Alta to reboot in order to save and initialize all flight control parameters

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