Astro SB009 – Landing Detector Not Triggering on Astro Software v1.9.1
Date Released: January 20, 2025 (edited January 21, 2025)
Subject: Astro SB009 – Landing Detector Not Triggering on Astro Software v1.9.1
Effectivity: Immediate
Required Action: Update Astro Max units from firmware v1.9.1 to v1.9.2
Affected Part Numbers: Astro Max
Astro Software v1.9.1 was released two weeks ago for existing Astros, and pre-installed on December shipments of Astro Max.
Freefly has identified an issue in Astro software v1.9.1 where the system may fail to detect landing and thus not disarm automatically. This Service Bulletin SB009 requires users to update any Astro Max units from firmware v1.9.1 to v1.9.2 to correct this issue. If you have an original Astro (non-Max), no action is needed.
- Root Cause: An oscillation between the controller and landing gear can exceed the landing detector’s rotation threshold in firmware v1.9.1, preventing detection and thus auto disarming.
- Fix: Firmware v1.9.2 changes the parameter LNDMC_ROT_MAX from 20°/sec to 45°/sec, resolving the issue. Over 500 landings on various surfaces (grass, dirt, wood, cardboard, cloth landing pad) at different speeds/payloads have verified reliable disarming without negative flight impact.
– Update Astro Max units from firmware v1.9.1 to v1.9.2 immediately. Refer to
– If you have an original Astro (non-Max), no action is needed.
– Resume normal flight operations once updated.
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