SB02 2017-07-17 Vibration Isolation and Human Safety


Mōvi XL’s and Mōvi Pros are in use in dynamic scenarios around the world!  Freefly would like users to be successful and safe in the operation of Mōvi XL and Mōvi Pro and operate in a way that minimizes the chance for human injuries.


Based upon communications with customers using Mōvi XL and Mōvi Pro in field, we have identified some scenarios in which customers are using Mōvi XL and Mōvi Pro in unexpected and potentially dangerous scenarios.


  • When mounted to moving vehicles, Mōvi XL and Mōvi Pro are designed to use vibration isolation.  For off-road and bumpy scenarios, it is necessary to utilize vibration isolation in addition to vertical isolation such as the Flowcine Black arm, Griptech isolation arm, etc.  Mōvi Pro and Mōvi XL are not designed to operate on moving platforms without vibration isolation; the footage will not look good and the gimbal may be damaged.
  • Freefly does not recommend operating Mōvi XL and Mōvi Pro above the public.  If you choose to operate above the public, Freefly recommends the usage of safety cables to prevent the camera, gimbal, accessories, or cablecam (or mounting support) from falling on people in the event of a mounting failure.
  • When using Mōvi XL and Mōvi Pro in extreme environments, Freefly recommends sending the product(s) back into Freefly any time there is a question regarding their functionality or structural integrity.  Off-road usage, in particular, can put enormous loads on the gimbal and operators must inspect, maintain, and keep the equipment in good working order for best safety and performance.

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