I can see Mōvi telemetry, but I cannot control my M-Series Mōvi

You can be bound to the receiver and see the Mōvi telemetry without being able to control an M5, M10 or M15. This could be due to that the transmitter is in kill mode, the stiffness settings of the Mōvi are at zero, or the Mōvi doesn’t have the Radio Type set to Mōvi Controller.

To set the Mōvi radio type to Mōvi controller:

  1. Turn on your Mōvi.
  2. Connect to the Mōvi with your computer/Android device.
  3. Change the following setting: Configuration::Remote Controller Config::Radio Type::MōVI Controller.
  4. From the System menu, Write Settings

You should now have control over the gimbal and the settings menus in the controller.

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